Political and social comment Slider

Hey Toro! A cautionary tale.

This story is something I wrote back in 2017, it is allegorical and it represented the political situation in the general elections of Papua New Guinea at the time and was almost prophetic in its accuracy. The situation of my political commentary also has some analogous features with the bullfight. There is much to be […]

Food Slider Travel

My beloved Arles

It was around seven years ago that I first discovered Arles. I was on a train from the Languedoc in south west France to the Cote D’Azur (The Riviera) in the south east to meet my brother at Cannes, where the annual film festival was in progress. One of the stops along the way – […]

My books Slider

The Memoir (still untitled)

Coming soon… My (as yet) untitled memoir of growing up in Wales is almost ready to publish and will be available here. As publication draws nigh, I’m reminded of the words of a great man: It always seems impossible until it’s done Nelson Mandela WATCH THIS SPACE: