Beauty Slider Travel

In search of lavender.

Summer in Provence means lavender – fields and fields of breathtaking swathes of mauve flowers waving in the summer breeze to the seasonal music of Provence – cicadas (or ‘cigales’ as they’re known in France.) Lavender flowers bloom in Provence during high summer – bursting into life anytime between June and August depending on weather […]

Slider Travel

Flying First.

As a child, there was an old song that my father used to sing every time I wanted to spread my wings and fly the familial coop. It asked: “How you gonna keep ’em down on the farm, now that they’ve seen Paree?” Now that I’ve flown – not the coop – but first class, […]

Health Slider Travel

The benefits of a walk

Ever seen a white-flowering Jacaranda tree? There’s one in Sydney’s Botanic Gardens (Location C). It’s at the end of a line of colour that starts with a blazing red Illawarra Flame Tree, followed by a huge Jacaranda of the purple-flowering variety and in its lee a spreading Michelia with creamy white blossoms as large as […]

Food Slider

Truffles – A rich person’s mushroom?

The eighteenth century epicurean and food writer, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin called them ‘diamonds of the kitchen’ and given that nowadays their cost can exceed $2500 per kilo, it’s an apt description. Truffles are edible, mushroom-like tubers that grow on the roots of trees – notably the Oak, Birch, hazelnut, pine and poplar tree – they […]